Since young, I don't have any talent in music, be it guitar, piano or any musical instruments.. somehow just don't have the will to learn music. When I see the notes, I feel like my head is very heavy already..something like reading Srikumar's notes.. ahah..
But guess wat!! I'm going to take guitar lessons from my cousin, Alex who happens to open a music centre called Concerto at K.I.P. Um, It's near my old house, Bandar Sri Damansara. I went there today and It's kinda cool.. My cousin explained thoroughly to me about guitars, how to learn and what I wanted to achieve. So now, I'm having two classes a week, 30 minutes each starting from next week =p .Anyway told him that he has to be patient with me cause:-
1)Seriously no talent in music
2)I'm actually quite a slow learner (especially in music)
3)I'm quite dumb when it comes to music
Practically everythin la..
But what I do really wanna achieve is to be able to play some songs with the guitar, some plucking and at least, next time, I can spend my time playing with the guitar. Actually, since now so sien.. learn as many things as possible lo...
Guitar lessons, tennis, chinese classes and a potential sign language class which my mum keeps reminding me about.. (just very lazy to go and enrol la..) and I have to pay all these classes with my own money.. ai.. how to buy lens for my D80(dSLR), accesories.. no hope d la.. try not to spend so much on DVDs, comics la..
Ahaha.. Evelyn is coming back tomorrow!!! so happy laa.. wonder what she got me from Taiwan.. ?I shall see =)
alright.. good night!! Have a safe journey, Evelyn!